

Craft First Chapters Contest, Honorable Mention – From the novel in progress, Sustainability, December 2023


“The Cleanse,” TriQuarterly, July 2023


ResurrectionSurreal South anthology


Pissing in PerpetuitySpeed Chronicles, anthology from Akashic Books

SustainabilityTin House, Featured New Voice in Fiction.

IndigenousThe Greensboro Review

SireniaPoem, Memoir, Story

Season River Styx. Second Prize in River Styx Schlafly Microfiction Contest

Donkey HammerGulf Coast. University of Houston


The Common: Ask a Local


Tim & Diane” Arkansas Times

Vacation Rental By Owner” – Tropmag.com

Norman Mailer is Coming to DinnerNew Letters Winner of the Dorothy C. Cappon Essay Contest in Nonfiction Competition

GhostsFugue, University of Idaho

The Atlantic, Honorable Mention College Nonfiction Contest


The Common, Ask a Local: Rose Bunch


“In high school we used to drive up to The Cross on that mountain, a glowing blue monument atop a rock base with a small parking area that overlooks the city square and university. They set nails in the concrete around the base to discourage the drunks from scaling it, and we parked there, drank our whiskey and stared at the lights of the town smoking cheap cigarettes and wallowing in our teenage angst. Now the nails are gone, but the cross is still there emitting an eerily blue, but comforting glow. The kids continue to drink crap beer and pee in the bushes below the symbol of Christ’s suffering, an occasional cop cruising by shining a spotlight. When you sit there in a parked car now, as many restless adults still do, you see the faces of others lit by the soft, blue light of the cross, staring out at the lights of our town.”

Superstition Review Interview:


“I was always terrified of the ghost from my childhood, up until I told him to go fuck himself. In films people react with abject terror to the paranormal, screaming hysterically, but I never did. To be clear, I am not super coolheaded or anything. When I have stepped on a snake I have leapt into the air, making a sound something like a gargling clown. When something ghostly has occurred I go silent though, tuning in to it. I freeze like a hunted thing, uncertain for a moment what to do next. Then, I either continue my business and hope it will go away, or retreat slowly to another room, turning on lights as I go. A snake I could get away from, maybe the gargling clown noise I made was an archetypal/animal response to alert the rest of the herd, but with a ghost it seems personal, a communication meant for you alone, and unpredictable. You cannot really get away from something that technically isn’t supposed to exist.”

Florida State University News


All told, The Speed Chronicles deserves great praise for the audacity of the topic, the depth of the discussion, the diversity of its voices, and plain, old, good storytelling. – Michael Adelberg, New York Journal of Books

